PRIVACY POLICYThis policy is used to determine how our website gathers the information and how we utilize that information to provide the services to you.

  • You need to accept all the norms that are mentioned in the policy so that you can easily explore our website’s services and utilize them. This policy might vary according to time. Whenever you explore our website or avail of any service, then you are required to agree to this policy. Also, as per this policy, you need to send us your direct consent for collecting, utilizing, and disclosing any of the data offered by you.
  • Our website gathers, process any of the information that is listed below:
    • The number of visits to our website and uses it.
    • Operating system.
    • Information source.
    • Geographical location.
    • Browser type.
    • Visit duration.
    • Pages that are requested by your web browser from our server.
  • Use of cookies: With the use of cookies, our website can collect the data about how you use the internet, and your computer can automatically download these cookies. A cookie is a kind of file that is placed by the web page server in your computer’s hard disk. Cookies are not used to run any of the programs, and it does not deliver any viruses to your computer system. Cookies can be readable by your web server in a domain that is issued to you. Our website utilizes these cookies to help you out with your personalized online experiences.
    Our website can collect data like the Internet session ID, type of browser, IP address, user’s domain, website domain. These data are not used to recognize you personally; instead of this, it is the statistical figures to know about your visits to our website and how you use our website.
    The main objective of these cookies is to offer accessible features to save your valuable time. These cookies provide information about how many times you have returned to a particular page like, if you register to our page or use any of our services, then the cookies will aid us in getting your data on subsequent visits. This is used to simplify the overall process by recording your personal information. In the future, if you visit our website, the previously specified information will help to use the features of our website that you have previously customized.
    You can accept or decline any cookies. Most of them are automatically accepted, but you can decline these cookies by modifying your browser’s setting. But this may lead you to not experiencing some of the attractive features of our website.
    The third-party links of our website might use cookies, which is not handled by our website. These cookies can be downloaded when you click on any of the advertisement banners, which is shown on our website.
  • Our server accesses the specific data while you are using our website: The IP address is used for demonstrating the language version according to your country. If the language version is not available as per your country, then you can see the website in the English language.
    Our web server accesses the information about the IP address during the visiting time. If you are not registered, and you are accessing our website without any freelance purpose, in that case, your IP address will not be stored.
  • Payment information: Our website can ensure that your personal data will be safe from unauthorized access. We utilize encrypted connections with the security protocols so that it can protect your reliable data as well as your credit card details.
    The payment information may consist of your name, address, information on the settlement. A credit card is needed for the provision of specific services. The credit card information is used for billing purposes, getting and controlling the process of the payment. We do not save any credit card information and do not write bankroll automatically.
  • Our website registers and utilizes the following information offered by you while contacting us through the feedback form that is available on our website:
    • Name
    • E-mail
    • Phone No.
    • The data of your message addressed to our website.
  • Distribution and disclosure of information: Our website may collect your personal details and submit it from the main server. When you submit your personal details, you automatically agree to all these transformations. Our website can take the necessary steps to ensure that data can be treated securely. Our website secures the data that you offer on your computer servers in a secure environment, controlled, protected from unauthorized means. To prevent your privacy issues, our website also verifies the identity, like the user’s ID, password, before granting any access to our website.
    If you terminate your account, even then, your data will be stored in the archive on our website server. However, our website will not disclose, transfer, or use any terminated account details. As the transmission of data through the internet is not completely safe; therefore, our website can not guarantee you to secure the data; therefore, such kind of transmission entirely remains at your own risk too.
  • We secure your data in this way: We take all the necessary steps to provide the safety of your personal information, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the services, servers. We can take care of your passwords, your keys stored on the device.
  • Third-party website:Our website gets the links from other websites too. If you process a third-party website, then you need to keep in mind that these websites might have their own policy. Therefore, analyze these policies before transferring any details to other websites
  • Access to data: Our website does not access your personal details on your PC.
  • Our relationship with advertisers: Our website has the protocols that we never disclose any person’s information to our advertisers. Our website is entitled to offer summarized data to advertisers to attract the targeted audience. If you are agreed to get advertisements via SMS, or email from our partners, then you can also unsubscribe from our website by informing us via emails.
  • Changes to our privacy policy: Our website changes it’s a policy from time to time. We have the right to change the privacy point without any prior notice. We publish the revised policy on our portal with the possibility to show what types of data we have collected, how it is utilized, and under what scenario it might be disclosed. Therefore, you need to agree to re-read these policies from time to time, so that you can remain updated. If you do not agree, then you can not use our website or do not avail of any other services.